My kazoo’s all packed! I leave tomorrow for the SXSW festival in Austin, TX. It’s pretty much my favorite event of the year (besides the monster truck show at Nassau Coliseum, of course), so this week has been going by super ssssslowly as I wait impatiently to leave. The Chris Gethard Show will be live on the IFC stage Tuesday night at 10:30. As Chris has promised, “It will be a balls out, non-stop, ill advised party, a truly interactive experience, and something hopefully none of us will ever forget.” Check out the show’s tumblr for details.
Other than that I’ll be eating TexMex and rocking to all my favorite bands… Wavves, Japandroids, Divine Fits, Cloud Nothings, Evaporators, Ra Ra Riot, Frightened Rabbit, Lord Huron, Japanther, Joy Formidable, Weekend, Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings….. gonna be sick. Also hoping to check out some film festival stuff (like “Big Ass Spider!”, duh!!).
If yur down there look for the dancing red hair and come give me a high-five.